Whoever you are wherever you are on your faith journey…
There is a place for you here.
Under the cross we learn to be disciples of Jesus, teach our children, and be witness to our faith in daily life. We feed the hungry, visit the sick, and care for the outcast; Here we find our spiritual home.
Lutheran is a way of following Jesus (yes we are Christians) that honors the diversity of thought, and conscience. We are not of one mind on many matters but we are one in Christ. We will not tell you what to think but will challenge you to grow your faith.
And by the way, your faith is a free gift from God. Not just for you but the sake of the world.
We have a fantastic and joyous band service the first Sunday of the month; Come every Sunday for uplifting worship, a bible centered message, and the care and feeding of the lost and found.
All photography provided by Jared Chambers
Find out about our organization, mission, our methods, and the results of our decades of advocacy.
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